To receive exclusive and unlimited access to all of our doctors and supporting health services you will first need to create an account. Then you can ask any number of medical questions to our expert team of board-certified physicians, psychologists, pharmacists, dentists, dietitians, and fitness trainers. Get advice and recommendations from trusted professionals, the moment you need it.

Create Account

Complete the registration process and receive access to all of our doctors and supporting health services from one convenient and easy to use application. 

Choose Medical

We provide a wide range of health and medical services that can be performed conveniently online.

Talk to

Have private one-on-one consultations with board-certified, licensed, U.S.Family Doctors, Psychologist, Therapists, Dentists, and Fitness experts available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Frequently asked questions

Will I talk to “real” doctors?

Yes. Chat Live MD members talk to state-licensed, U.S. board-certified, primary care physicians and pediatricians. When you request a visit, Chat Live MD will connect you with a doctor licensed in your state.

Can I get my prescriptions?

Yes, our online doctor can prescribe medications if medically necessary. They will electronically send it to your local pharmacy.

Can I use it for family?

Yes. Covers up to 6 family members under one plan

How much does it cost?

Is it for emergencies?

We handle NON-EMERGENCY medical problems and should NOT be used for immediate medical emergencies.

Can I get a doctors note after my medical consultation?

Yes, after your medical consultation you can request a doctor’s note which you will receive in your secure account, in pdf format with a professional letterhead. You can then download, print, or attached to an email to send to your employer.

How can a doctor diagnose me without physically seeing me in-person?

The doctor will consult with you and review your electronic medical records. Your medical history will have past conditions, current medications, as well as your family medical history which the doctor will then use to make an informed decision about your health. You also have the option of showing any problems to your doctor by using a secure, private video call.

Is this health insurance?

This does NOT replace health insurance, but you do not need health insurance to use. We provide you immediate access to consult with doctors whether you have health insurance or not.

Do I need to have Health Insurance to use?

No, it can be purchased without having health insurance. If you have Medicare, Medicaid, or private health insurance coverage you may be eligible for reimbursemnent when you pay for this service out of your pocket. Check your states telemedicine coverage options.

Can I be turned down for pre-existing conditions?

We do not turn away those with pre-existing conditions.

Do I need to have the internet?

No, you can talk to a doctor with a simple phone call or text. The internet is optional and beneficial for video consultations.

Are Spanish speaking doctors available?

Yes, Spanish speaking physicians are available. Once you have an account you can switch the site to the Spanish language, as well as request a Spanish speaking doctor.